If you are a #smallbusinessowner, chances are you have a vision for your company. You know what you want to achieve, how you want to serve your customers, and what makes you different from your competitors. You are passionate, creative, and optimistic about the future.
But having a vision isn't enough. You also need someone who can help you turn your vision into reality. Someone who balances your enthusiasm with #pragmatism, who can challenge your assumptions with facts, and who can keep you grounded in the present while you dream of the future. You need a realist in your world. 🌏
A realist sees things as they are, not as they wish. A realist is someone who has a realistic view of the market, the industry, the competition, and the risks. A realist can help you plan, execute, and measure your progress towards your goals.
A vision is only valuable if it is based on reality.
A realist can help you test your vision against the market demand, customer feedback, industry trends, and best practices. A realist can help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your vision and suggest ways to improve it.
A vision is only achievable if it is broken down into specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (#SMART) goals. A realist can help you set #SMART goals aligning with your vision and track your progress. A realist can help you celebrate your achievements and learn from your failures.
A vision is only sustainable if adequate resources support it. A realist can help you budget your time, money, energy, and talent wisely. A realist can help you prioritize tasks, delegate responsibilities, and outsource non-core activities. A realist can help you optimize your efficiency, effectiveness, and profitability.
A vision is only adaptable if it is flexible to change. A realist can help you anticipate and respond to changes in the market, the industry, the competition, and the customer preferences. A realist can help you embrace change as an opportunity, not a threat. A realist can help you innovate and evolve with the times.
A #visionary provides the direction, while a realist provides the guidance. A visionary inspires the team, while a realist empowers the team. A visionary creates the value proposition, while a realist delivers the value proposition.
If you are a small business visionary, you need a realist in your world. You may find a realist in your partner, co-founder, employee, mentor, or consultant. If you don't already have a realist in your network, now would be the perfect time to partner with an #OnlineBusinessManager. Whoever it is, make sure you listen to them, respect them, and appreciate them. They are there to help you succeed.